Brundaban Beriha
Assistant Professor
Dr. Brundaban Beriha is presently working as an Assistant Professor at KIIT Deemed to be University, India. His broad area of research is pavement analysis and design. He has obtained his Ph.D. from IIT Bhubaneswar under the guidance of Dr. Umesh Chandra Sahoo. His Ph.D. works focuses on analysis and design of long life composite pavements. He has developed a computer program called “Cross Pave” which is capable of analyzing pavement considering the stress-dependent behavior of unbound granular materials. During his masters at IIT Kharagpur, he had worked under Dr. Sudeshna Mitra in the area of investigation of injury severity during collision. He has 14 publications to his name which includes publications in 08 reputed international journals and 06 conferences.
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- PhD - IIT Bhubaneswar
- M.Tech - IIT Kharagpur
- B.Tech - VSSUT Burla
Research Interests
- Pavement Analysis and Design
- Pavement Material Characterization
- Pavement Evaluation and Maintenance
Administrative Responsibility
Moodle Administrator (School Level) FIC-B.Tech Minor Project
1. Mohanty, S.K.; Pandit, N.K.; Sah, P.K.; Mahaseth, N.; Yadav, R.; Biswal, D.R.; Mohapatra, B.G.; Beriha, B.; Pradhan, R.; Pradhan, S.K. Durability, Capillary Rise and Water Absorption Properties of a Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Stabilized Fly Ash–Stone Dust Mixture. Infrastructures 2024, 9(2), 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures9020017
2. Mohanty, S.K.; Biswal, D.R.; Mohapatra, B.G.; Beriha, B.; Pradhan, R.; Sutar, H. (2023). Strength and Stiffness Evaluation of a Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Stabilized Fly Ash Stone Dust Aggregate Mixture. Journal of Composites Science, 7, 459. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcs7110459
3. Pradhan, R.C., Nanda, S., Mohapatra, B.G., Beriha, B. (2023). Utilization of enzymatic soil as a subgrade material. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 16 (8), 461. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-023-11579-8
4. Beriha, B., Sahoo, U.C. and Anush K. C. (2022). Effect of Multi-Axle Loading and Anisotropic Property of Unbound Granular Layers on Flexible Pavement Responses. Journal of Indian Roads Congress, 81(3), 15-22.
5. Beriha, B., Sahoo, U. C., & Mishra, D. (2022). Crosspave: a multi-layer elastic analysis programme considering stress-dependent and cross-anisotropic behaviour of unbound aggregate pavement layers. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 23(6), 1723- 1737. DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1821025
6. Beriha, B. and Sahoo, U.C. (2020). Analysis of flexible pavement with cross-anisotropic material properties. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 13(4), 411–416. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42947-020-0284-9
7. Beriha, B. and Sahoo, U.C. (2020). Fatigue behaviour of cement stabilized materials using dissipated energy. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 13(4), 434–441. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42947-020-0274-y
8. Beriha, B. and Sahoo, U.C. and Steyn, W. J. (2019). Determination of Endurance Limit for Different Bound Materials used in Pavements: A Review. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 8(3), 263-279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2019.05.002
Conference Papers: 1. Bhowmik, A., Beriha, B. and Sahoo, U.C. (2019). Cement Stabilized Fly ash for Application in Structural Layers of Low Volume Road Pavements. 12 th TRB International Conference on Low Volume Roads, Kalispell, Montana, USA.
2. Biswal D.R., Beriha B., Sahoo U.C. and Dash S.R. (2018). Numerical analysis of an inverted pavement with cemented base. International Conference on Pavements and Computational Approaches (ICOPAC-2018), CRRI, New Delhi, India.
3. Beriha, B. and Sahoo, U.C. (2016). Development of Software for Design of Long Life Composite Pavement. Conference on Sustainable Asphalt Pavement for Developing Countries (CONSAP-2016), CRRI, New Delhi, India.
Books :
1. Khanna, V., Beriha, B., Sahoo, U.C. (2022). Mechanical Characterization of a Bio-enzyme Treated Granular Lateritic Soil for Application in Low Volume Roads. In: Dey, A.K., Mandal, J.J., Manna, B. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 195. Springer, Singapore. https:\/\/civil.kiit.ac.in//doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6456-4_21
2. Beriha B. and Sahoo U.C. (2021). Design of Long-Life Pavements for India. In: Das B., Barbhuiya S., Gupta R., Saha P. (eds) Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 75. Springer, Singapore. https:\/\/civil.kiit.ac.in//doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4577-1_88
3. Beriha, B., Biswal D.R. and Sahoo U.C. (2019). Effect of Wet-Dry Cycles on Mechanical Strength Properties of Cement Stabilized Granular Lateritic Soil. In: Shehata H., Poulos H. (eds) Latest Thoughts on Ground Improvement Techniques. GeoMEast 2018. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Springer, Cham. https:\/\/civil.kiit.ac.in//doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01917-4_9