KIIT Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE)
Faculty Incharge

Prof. Madhu Lisha Pattanaik
Contact Details- 8011491944
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Name |
Roll No. |
Applied for |
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Pinaki Majhi |
2101034 |
Coordinator |
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Aadarsh Kumar |
2101084 |
Coordinator |
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Nibedita Rout |
2201019 |
Asst. Coordinator |
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Dhananjay Kumar |
2201011 |
Asst. Coordinator |
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Alok Raj |
2201002 |
Asst. Coordinator |
KIIT School of Civil Engineering” (KSCE) is a Student Society under KSAC. The society aims to provide a platform for the students to think, reflect and wonder about the phenomena involved in civil engineering.
Most students generally lose their interest in engineering and focus on grades during their studies. This Society desires to reinforce the knowledge and excitement they attained in their classes through interesting activities. The students would expose themselves to different areas of civil engineering and also engage in teamwork learning and helping others.
The society also contributes its ideas to the students and organizes many events in the institute, which includes both live and online events.
Unlike other societies, this society produces a whole separate constitution for its society members. The rules and regulations mentioned in the constitution are strictly abided by the members. The Constitution aims at establishing standard procedures and code of conduct to be followed in the Society, emphasizing the major values that the society embodies and to establish continuity in the functioning of Society from year to year. The Constitution shall be guiding spirit for the Society and its members in its functioning.
So through this page Society KSCE appeals to all those enthusiastic students and engineers to take part in the activities related to civil engineering and help the society in the development of engineering and technology.
There are four technical student chapters under the umbrella of KSCE.
The KIIT Society of Civil Engineers, in association with ASCE and ICE student chapter organized a technical event “Speak and Search Lecture Series” on 10th August 2019. The speakers Ms. Padma Parija and Mr. Purnajit Bhowmik (Member of ICE) are 7thsemester students of KIIT School of Civil engineers who delivered their lectures on “Solid Waste Management in India: Existing Framework and Opportunities” and “ Bogibeel Bridge” respectively. The speaker Ms. Padma Parija highlighted the importance of proper solid waste management along with the mechanism and procedure by which we can make the process sustainable and also, the new technology we can adopt to get the maximum output. She also focused on the self awareness and educating others for the better environment around us. Speaker Mr. Purnajit Bhowmik gave an interactive lecture on Bogibeel Bridge, situated in Assam. The lecture was very informative and the students understood the importance of conducting an activity on time, otherwise it can lead to major issues like delay in construction. On this occasion Prof. B.G. Mohapatra (Dean of School Of Civil Engineering), Prof. S. Moulick (Associate Dean of School Of Civil Engineering), Prof. D.K. Behera (Dean Training and Placement dept.), Dr. K.P. Samal (Faculty in Charge) and the faculties of School Of Civil Engineering were presented and appreciated this event and encouraged the students to participate as this event is beyond the curriculum and help every student to enhance themselves to a better Civil Engineer.
Institution Of Civil Engineers (ICE) along with ASCE and KSCE student chapter organized it’s conference under ‘Speak and Search Series’ on 6/12/2019(Friday), 4:00 PM at the Conference Hall, School of Civil Engineering. Speaker Mr. Salman Ashraf, 7 th semester student (B.Tech, School of Civil Engineering) illuminated all the participants on ‘Making Of Statue Of Unity’. Mr.Salman Ashraf emphasized the construction of the statue . He briefed on the ways of construction, material and man power used and the problems which arised during the construction. He also discussed, how proper planning can lead to tourist attraction and how it is beneficial for our country. The session was very interactive and students debated over this topic.
Prof. S.Moulik (Associate dean of School of Civil Engineering), shared his viewon the topic and incouraged the students for taking part in the session. Along with him Prof. K.P.Samal (Faculty in Charge) and other faculties of School Of Civil Engineering were present and well participated in the session.
KIIT Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) along with ASCE and ICE student chapter organized it’s second conference under ‘Speak and Search Series’ on 16/08/2019(Friday), 5:30 PM at the Conference Hall, School of Civil Engineering. Speaker Mr. Ashish Raj, 7th semester student (B.Tech. School of Civil Engineering) illuminated all the participants on ‘Underwater Structures’.
Mr. Ashish Raj emphasized the increasing population of the country and need for the construction of underwater structures other than tunnels and bridges which are becoming common these days. He briefed on the ways of construction, material used and the problems which can arise during the construction. He also discussed, how proper planning can lead to tourist attraction and may increase the economic rate of our country. The session was very interactive and students debated over this topic.
Prof. B.G. Mohapatra (Dean of School of Civil Engineering) shared his experience on underwater structures and the responsibilities as a civil engineer. Along with him Prof. D.K. Behera (Dean Training and Placement dept.), Prof. K.P.Samal (Faculty in Charge) and other faculties of School Of Civil Engineering were present and well participated in the session.
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in association with ASCE and KSCE, student chapter conducted the fifth edition of technical event ‘Speak and Search Lecture Series’ on 21/09/2019 (Saturday), 5:00 PM at conference hall, School of Civil Engineering. Ms. Makida Amare (5th semester, B.Tech. student) from Ethiopia, delivered the presentation on ‘Civil Engineering and Architectural works in Ethiopia’. Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies, largely due to the investment in infrastructure. It is mostly recognized for its historical monuments. Ms. Makida Amare discussed how the structures are different in their country than India. She discussed the early structures, Islamic architecture, Traditional houses and other types of construction in Ethiopia. Most of the antique structures are reserved by UNESCO World Heritage. She discussed some of the famous structures in Ethiopia including Emperor Manelik’s palace (Addia Ababa in Entoto), The Rock-Hewn church of Lalibela found in Amhare region and Oblisk of Axum. Most the houses have sloped roofs because Ethiopia receives double the amount of rain as compared to India. Ms. Makida Amare concluded her lecture by comparing the structures in countryside and in urban areas.
The session was attended by Prof. B.G. Mohapatra, Prof D.K. Behera and Prof. K.P. Samal. This interaction with the international students was encouraged by the faculties, as this will help to exchange the culture between two countries and also the students will get the exposure of construction and architecture of other countries. Lastly, the session was concluded by Prof.K.P.Samal with the vote of thanks.
KIIT Society of Civil Engineers(KSCE) along with ASCE and ICE student chapter organized its fourth edition of ‘Speak and Search Lecture Series’ on 14/09/2019 (Saturday), 11:30 at conference hall, School of Civil Engineering. Mr. Sourav Ghosh Dastider, 7th semester B.Tech. Student (School of Civil Engineering) gave a lecture on very interesting topic ‘Waterproofing of Civil Structures’.
Mr. Sourav shared his experience about waterproofing. He discussed about the importance and the basic requirement of waterproofing in the structures. The lack of awareness of importance of water-proofing may lead to damage to the structure. The capillary rise in beams and column may corrode the steel and decrease the strength of the structure. He mentioned the different methods to do waterproofing for different types of structure. This process also increases the strength of the concrete and protects the structure from seepage through joints. He concluded his lecture by focusing on the future scope of this field.
On this occasion Prof. B.G. Mohapatra (Dean of School of Civil Engineering), Prof.S. Moulick (Associate Dean of School Of Civil Engineering), Prof. K.P. Samal (Faculty in Charge) and the faculties of School Of Civil Engineering were presented and appreciated this event and encouraged the students to participate as this event is beyond the curriculum and will help every student to enhance themselves to become a better Civil Engineer.
KIIT Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) along with ASCE and ICE student chapter organized its third conference under ‘Speak and Search lecture Series’ on 20/08/2019(Tuesday), 5:00 PM at Conference Hall, School of Civil Engineering. This event Speaker Mr. Debarshi Sahoo, structural engineering (School of Civil Engineering) gave a presentation on “Nuclear Power Plant construction trends in India”.
Mr. Debarshi Sahoo explains what are nuclear energy and the concept behind nuclear energy. He subdues the ideology that nuclear power creates pollution and harms the environment. He told us the seven working plants in India. Mr. Debarshi Sahoo shared his experience of the internship he did in Rawat Bhatta Atomic Power Plant. He addressed the challenges faced by the government in India. He briefed us about the different parts and working mechanism of a nuclear plant. He highlighted the overall project from planning, safety, execution to mechanism behind cooling tower. Mr. Debarshi told us about the advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear power plant. He ended his presentation on the question, “For future development in nuclear sector” where participants came up with their ideas.
Prof. B.G. Mohapatra (Dean of School of Civil Engineering) shared his experience on Nuclear energy and his time at L and T.Along with him Prof.K.P.Samal (Faculty in Charge) and the faculties of School Of Civil Engineering were present. This event was attended by 55 students.